Solving Google CTF 2019 Beginners quest -Enter Space-Time Coordinates




You are a simple life form, exiled from your home planet and in search of a new place to call home. The ruling came fast. Your taste in music was deemed to be far too "out-there-man" for anyone to possibly associate with you anymore. You were given 60 revolutions of Xenon around Fir to leave and never return. Gather whatever possessions and leave. You find your parent's music collection, oddly in it is a golden disc labeled "Property of NASA, if lost please return to EVNJAKL 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View California." The music on the disc was uncovered a while back and was not very interesting. This weird language that said something about "Peace, love and rock and roll. Also, we're having a really cool party tonight, so for whoever is out there, bring a friend and come along! Co-ordinates enclosed." On the back, the words "Draft, do not distribute or load onto probe" written in big red letters. That could mean anything.
You'll go since you have nowhere else to go. But you'll be careful. You will know to learn all you can about alien beings before making contact. They could be hostile or listen to boring music. Time is slipping away fast, you race aboard the nearest ObarPool Spaceship. But you've never driven one... what next genius?

Enter Space-Time Coordinates

Label: misc

Ok well done. The console is on. It's asking for coordinates. Beating heavily on the console yields little results, but the only time anything changes on your display is when you put in numbers. So what numbers are you going to go? You see the starship's logs, but is there a manual? Or should you just keep beating the console?



  1. Download the attachment to the desktop
  2. Extracted the folder and renamed it (/misc)
  3. Changed directory into /misc
  4. Two files were present log.txt and rand2 (executable file)
  5. Changed the mode of the files using chmod +x
  6. Checked log.txt file with cat command looked through it did not find the flag
  7. Executed the rand2 in the terminal: ./rand2, it asked me the coordinate I entered the random number but I did not get the flag
  8. So lastly decided to execute the executable file rand2 with strings command as follows: strings rand2 and went through the output and found the flag.
Flag: CTF{welcome_to_googlectf}


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